Ron Johnson Marketing
Organizing a branded public event isn’t simple or cheap, but don’t let this deter you. In a world where image is everything, organizing an event can be one of the most effective ways of promoting your business. It’s also a great way to meet people in person and put a face/voice to your business.
A branded event can take many forms. It could be a keynote event or a product launch, or simply a business networking event where you present a few featured speakers on a specific current topic.
Here are some benefits of being a part of a branded event:
1. Lead …
Ron Johnson Marketing,Social Media
Creating a memorable brand is extremely beneficial: wherever you display your logo or ads, people instantly recognize your business name and have you top of mind for their next purchase. With people spending more and more time on the internet – using their smartphones to connect with friends, find information, and shop – it is important that your brand is also online.
Creating an online brand is somewhat different from building a brand in the offline world. The internet has two main characteristics to keep in mind:
Ron Johnson Marketing
Depending on who you ask, cars are either a necessary evil or the number one hobby. They definitely help us be more mobile and get around in the city during a busy business day. For many companies, it makes sense to keep a fleet of cars and give them for use to their management staff and sales team: they can write them off, and they are a great way to get more visibility.
The Importance of Branding Your Company Cars
Branding company cars makes a lot of sense: branded vehicle acts as a deterrent against theft and it prevents employees from using …
Ron Johnson Signage
What’s a sign? From times immemorial, signs were used to signal that there was a shop or a business operating in a certain building. It directed people into stores, workshops, and offices of all kinds. But surely, in the online era where everyone has smartphones connected to the internet and Google Maps pointing out businesses along the route, the sign has become quite obsolete, right?
Wrong. The sign at the entrance of any business validates it. People may see the address on a phone screen, but they will take a good look at the sign before walking in through the door. …
Ron Johnson Print Marketing
Once the online world started taking over our lives, pessimists had already started tolling the death bells of print advertising. Why would anyone pay for a newspaper ad, they reasoned, if people now read their news online? And why would a client pay thousands of dollars for a large billboard, when he can post an online banner on a dozen websites for a couple of hundred dollars?
We’ve seen some big changes in online advertising that show that it is not the perfect medium. First came the bane of pop-up windows when pop-up blockers became a standard feature in internet browsers. …
Ron Johnson Print Marketing
Print marketing is still holding on at the top of the most effective marketing strategies. A 2015 survey conducted by the Content Marketing Institute showed that 57% of all B2B paid advertising in North America represents print and other offline marketing strategies. This is a very significant percentage, demonstrating once again that print is far from obsolete and ineffective.
Since print marketing is so effective, you must know how to plan and launch a campaign of this type. These steps are critical to the success of your campaign, and they should be followed carefully and closely, adapting them to your …
Ron Johnson Print Marketing
Success in business depends on many issues. One of these, not to be neglected, is the trusted partnership with suppliers. Businesses are not stand-alone entities. They depend on various products and services to help them create their own products and services, build and maintain their brand image, and develop customer loyalty programs.
One of the most important suppliers for any business is the printing services provider. In one form or another, every business in every niche or industry needs printed materials – from promotional brochures to office branding, billboards, and other marketing materials. Since effective marketing strategies are the key to success, …
Ron Johnson Blog,Print Marketing
If you follow various blogs, podcasts or social media influencers, you may get the impression that the only form of advertising that works is online/mobile. We disagree with this. Offline advertising, especially large outdoor billboards and large roll-ups, are still effective.
1. They Are Strategically Placed
Companies that sell outdoor advertising scout for the best locations to offer their clients: on highways which connect the residential areas to the business heart of the city, near the malls, over busy roundabouts, and next to parks and other outdoor entertainment areas.
This means that people are served an ad, or discover a special offer from a business, …
Ron Johnson Blog,Print Marketing
Building a brand and making it visible in every possible way is the heart and soul of iconic companies. Some of them have managed to create such a powerful branded image that a simple logo, shade of color or slogan automatically makes us recall that company.
Even if you are not going to reach the level of Apple, Pepsi or Nike, your business needs solid branding. One of the most valuable properties your business has is its office(s). This is the core of your business, where you meet prospective customers, partners and suppliers, and it is often what is featured in photos in news …
Ron Johnson Blog,Print Marketing
We are living in the digital age – there is no doubt about it. The internet and mobile devices allowing us to always be connected on the go have changed the most important aspects of our lives: how we connect with each other, do business, develop our career and make important financial decisions.
But have we completely left the old world behind? Have we made the full transition from a world of printed coupons, glossy magazines and morning newspapers to a fully digital environment? Not really. In fact, a lot of specialists in marketing, advertising and even journalism state that print …
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